A Hedonist's Guide to the Five Senses

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sleep No More

From NYTimes.com

A long overdue post about the dark, sexy, bewildering theatrical production that is Sleep No More. Based loosely on Macbeth, this is an interactive show that has you racing up and down the pitch-black stairwells of a performance space near 10th Avenue. It's literally heart-pounding.

Yes, that's the audience in the creepy white Eyes Wide Shut masks. Instead of giving too much away, I'll link to this review - and strongly encourage you to pony up the $80 and just go.

Three words should say it all: Bloody goat orgy.


Anonymous Meghana said...

My cousin bought me tickets for this show tonight, and I can't wait! Three cheers for "Bloody goat orgy!"

December 20, 2011 at 12:42 PM


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