A Hedonist's Guide to the Five Senses

Friday, October 21, 2011

Korean BBQ

Marbled. Mrrrrow.

Dinner at Don Bogams!

I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful Korean grad school buddy who, between shots and cigarettes, is likely to ply you with excellent food and good conversation. 

We let him order rounds of meat (four rounds, for four people -- a little much!). First, plain beef, then gorgeous pork belly, followed by slivers of beef tongue and then a pile of bulgogi. All were expertly grilled tableside by a very beautiful and very stoic waitress.

The endless tiny finger bowls of pickles, fish flakes, salads and sauces might be my favorite part. Add copious amounts of alcohol and you've got a very interesting New York dinner option. My advice? Take someone from out of town!


Anonymous Meghana said...

YES! Love Korean BBQ, especially the pork belly.

October 21, 2011 at 2:40 PM


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